The Witch Trials of JK Rowling podcast

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Jan 31, 2021
Just wanted to recommend this podcast that I found on Spotify. It's hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper, who is known for growing up in (and leaving) the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. I'm 3 episodes in and so far impressed by the balanced delivery on what has become a runaway and highly emotive topic in today's society. Many sides and histories of a complex social issue presented in a nuanced way. She also got over 9 hours of recorded conversation with JK Rowling herself. Worth a listen.
Megan Phelps-Roper left the church around 10 years ago. I also recommend listening to her story of "deprogramming" for lack of a better word - she's told it over the years in various formats. I find cults fascinating, especially when people are born into them and manage to find their way out. My next WIP is about a cult, hence this rabbit hole.
Just wanted to recommend this podcast that I found on Spotify. It's hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper, who is known for growing up in (and leaving) the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. I'm 3 episodes in and so far impressed by the balanced delivery on what has become a runaway and highly emotive topic in today's society. Many sides and histories of a complex social issue presented in a nuanced way. She also got over 9 hours of recorded conversation with JK Rowling herself. Worth a listen.
I've heard good things about it, too. Will listen. :) p.
I've been anticipating this. Got good reviews. Thank you for posting. So interesting these two women would connect. One of the judges of the Myslexia contest was forced to resign a few years ago because she tweeted in support of Rowling. I agree it is time there was some discussion of the issues in depth and not just shallow reporting.
Megan Phelps-Roper left the church around 10 years ago. I also recommend listening to her story of "deprogramming" for lack of a better word - she's told it over the years in various formats. I find cults fascinating, especially when people are born into them and manage to find their way out. My next WIP is about a cult, hence this rabbit hole.
Looking forward to reading your WIP.
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