The Why of Winter
Sirius hard on The Hunter’s heels
A stoat in ermine gains the field
Blackthorn points the ancient tracks
of hidden beasts and crack-bone feasts
Skies of steel or sugared fire
Say resting time for sap-sunk trees
And earthed in dens
The fox and badger rest at ease
Oak trees hung with moons of mistletoe
Appease the gods or call down woe
As Gaia tilts on wheeling skies
The rhythm is the reason why.

I once saw a stoat wearing its ermine, ribboning across the road and then streaking up a steep and snowy field.
Happy New Year 2025. A number 9 Year of The Hermit, signifying the story boards of Virgo and planet Mercury in the Sixth House: service, community, health, nutrition, animals, animal care, administration analysis, data, investigation. Mercury is THE planet of writing.