Fanfare! The Serpent of Eridor...

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Sep 9, 2014 newly out. Assisted self-pub via Matador- great company who have been brilliant. MG fantasy and a blast to write. Blurb is:
Chasing information about his parents’ mysterious disappearance, 14-year-old Alex Weston escapes assassination by

casting himself adrift in a typhoon. Washed up on the enchanted island of Eridor with his hamster, Skoodle, he

discovers that Skoodle is funny, sassy and a reluctant hero who takes advice from his dead uncle.

Possessing no magic, Alex must rely on bravery and determination as he is forced to fight powerful magic. He must also

wrestle with the suspicion that an added few ounces of hamster doesn't make him the strongest fighting unit on the

island. Battling to save his new friends’ lives, Alex tackles crocodiles, venomous snakes, savage goblins and evil wizards.

But this feels like only a warm-up when he faces his final challenge...
Thanks so much for all whoots/support. Means a lot to have writers rooting for you.
Thanks. Still new and strange- but a warm and fuzzy feeling.
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