The newly focused me!

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Hi everyone! My name is Bethany. I loved to write as a child but is never occurred to me it could be a career. That still amazes me. After some crazy things happened in my life, I decided to sit down and write again. I ended up with a novel over 55,000 words. I was excited and proud. It was then, that I realized where I cold take it. I didn't get much farther on that one, when life happened again. I gave birth to my daughter and she was premature. After she came home and I got healthy, I lost sections of the novel to computer land. I still cant find them and its been almost seven years. I sat down and started a new novel, but that flat lined. Last year I was out of work and tried again. I finally finished my third novel, (I still have the start of the second) I am determined to get this one farther and work on my writing skills. I started looking for an agent and found this community. I have a feeling I'm not as ready to publish as I'd like to believe.
Hi Bethany, and welcome. I think your story is not uncommon, I started writing (Sci-fi) nearly 40 years ago, then life came along... Four years ago, I started again with poetry, then got into short stories, one of which then lead into a novel - fantasy, this time. Still learning lots, still trying to find an agent, as most of us are. You'll find a wealth of ideas and tips around here, it's a very useful and friendly site.
Thanks Alistair. I just realized that I never mentioned my genre which is mostly fantasy. I thought this one was a stand alone but its turning out to be a series (well at least one more to it)
Well, my fantasy novel/s is set in 16th century Britain. One became two, then three and now I'm on the seventh. It may be the last of the series, who knows. Although the first two need serious re-writing, or starting again from scratch! Good luck with it all. ;)
Hi, Bethany. I don't think very many of us were as ready as we thought we were when we first turned up here. I hope I speak for most when I say we've all learned loads from each other and that learning just keeps coming.
Looking forward to sharing the journey with you. Good luck.
We also rent camels by the day, if you need to borrow one.
Thanks again everyone, I've already learned a couple of things.
@David Steele Not sure what I would do with a camel, I may live in the country but it's not very dry here. I'll keep it in mind just in case.:D
Hello, Bethany, lovely to 'meet' you. You seem determined, maybe we can help. There are lots of back posts here for exploration if you ever get a bit of quiet time.

I once saw a camel in a farm field in Holland. Grazing with cows!
Hi everyone! My name is Bethany. I loved to write as a child but is never occurred to me it could be a career. That still amazes me. After some crazy things happened in my life, I decided to sit down and write again. I ended up with a novel over 55,000 words. I was excited and proud. It was then, that I realized where I cold take it. I didn't get much farther on that one, when life happened again. I gave birth to my daughter and she was premature. After she came home and I got healthy, I lost sections of the novel to computer land. I still cant find them and its been almost seven years. I sat down and started a new novel, but that flat lined. Last year I was out of work and tried again. I finally finished my third novel, (I still have the start of the second) I am determined to get this one farther and work on my writing skills. I started looking for an agent and found this community. I have a feeling I'm not as ready to publish as I'd like to believe.

There are lots of writers who are published who aren't ready to be published. LOL

Eh... Be nicer to yourself. It sounds like you are your main support system and really, with writing, people often have to be their own support system. So be kind to yourself and just keep working at perfecting your writing. That's my plan.
I once saw a camel on a marina pontoon (ie a dock) in Morocco...
@Jennifer Stone Struggling with concept of your Nan in drag. I thought drag was unidirectional i.e man dressed as woman...
Um...had your parent on that side been born at that time, or could history have taken a different course?

I love Tunisia, but the graft was rife when I was there. Sad times now.

Funny thing is she wasn't actually in drag. They were in a nightclub, apparently she was picked out of all the patrons in attendance. Like a random prize draw. She won a stuffed camel, I wish I still had it. It was cool.
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