The Elements of Style

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Sep 25, 2014
'If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favour you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy'.Esquire, 1959

- Dorothy Parker

What fun! Who wants shooting...

Read it here, free
Is it possible to be happy and sober? I must try this.
Seriously, the book looks very worthy, but I know I could never get beyond page one. Too dry. Hard for a grammar text to be anything other than dry, of course.
Is it possible to be happy and sober? I must try this.
Seriously, the book looks very worthy, but I know I could never get beyond page one. Too dry. Hard for a grammar text to be anything other than dry, of course.
Yes. With Bärenjäger.
Sober-rated perhaps?
Is it possible to be happy and sober? I must try this.
Seriously, the book looks very worthy, but I know I could never get beyond page one. Too dry. Hard for a grammar text to be anything other than dry, of course.

Not at all! It's a quick read and easy to understand. I also recommend it to everyone. The "White" byline refers to E.B. White, who wrote Charlotte's Web, so it's actually good reading.
I don't drink. A teensy weak vodka tonic, whisky and lemonade, for the sad reason I just don't feel good if I have more than one. Charlotte's Web, I read to both daughters. Had me in bits every time, that no-one was with her when she died.

Why is that? Is it so very bad, the idea of dying alone? Maybe it's that Charlotte gave so much thought to everyone else, and didn't ask for anything, it seems unjust that no-one was there with her.
Charlotte's Web, I read to both daughters. Had me in bits every time, that no-one was with her when she died.

Why is that? Is it so very bad, the idea of dying alone? Maybe it's that Charlotte gave so much thought to everyone else, and didn't ask for anything, it seems unjust that no-one was there with her.

I honestly never understood why Wilbur was the star. I mean, Charlotte was writing words. Surely that is more impressive than the pig who just stands around and smiles.
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