Thank you

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Benjamin S

May 19, 2021
I have just finished listening to this week's helping of SSH. A great show, guys. Well done. I was so inspired by the show I had to try a decleansing cup of hot water, but no, it's not for me I'm afraid - a glass of red anytime. A big thank you to @Jonny for reading my flash story so well. It was surreal hearing it read out aloud. Thanks again and looking forward to more Short Story bites in the future! Keep going. Benjamin
Thank you for the kind words @Benjamin S It was a pleasure to read and easy too. Not many stumbles or fluffs when recording it. Always a sign of good tight writing.

I'm with you on the hot water thing too. B loves it though, there's no persuading her otherwise, but at least it means she's always on the ball when we're recording ;)

Glad you're enjoying the shows. They're fun to make.
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