Thank You, Gdns

Stuart Kay

Fanfare! I'm sharing a TOC with Neil Gaiman and Lee Murray!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
I just wanted to express a public “thank you” to the Guardians here. While not commenting on recent matters, I think it’s fair to say that they do an awful lot of work that is not normally visible – behind the scenes – with the aim of helping members, resolving any issues that might arise, and generally keeping the place smelling of metaphorical roses.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of time, thought and discussions that take place behind the scenes (actually, @Rich. and @Barbara would believe it, since they’re former Gdns themselves) to maintain the positive and friendly atmosphere here.
Thanks @Jonny and @Ancora Imparo , you're the best :)
I just wanted to express a public “thank you” to the Guardians here. While not commenting on recent matters, I think it’s fair to say that they do an awful lot of work that is not normally visible – behind the scenes – with the aim of helping members, resolving any issues that might arise, and generally keeping the place smelling of metaphorical roses.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of time, thought and discussions that take place behind the scenes (actually, @Rich. and @Barbara would believe it, since they’re former Gdns themselves) to maintain the positive and friendly atmosphere here.
Thanks @Jonny and @Ancora Imparo , you're the best :)

They have definitely lived up to their titles this time. Guardains. Protecting Litopians from those that would sow discord.
Heartfelt thanks to all of you.
What a really nice post to come online and find!

Thanks, Pete! And all of you. It's really kind of you. And it's lovely to be appreciated :) I'm sure @Jonny will feel the same whenever he gets the chance to see this. (I don't think he has internet at the moment.)

Litopia is (usually) a safe and supportive space for a wonderfully diverse group of people - who just all happen to love writing. It's great to be a part of that.
Thank you.

Okay, as you were. Let's not get soppy! :D
Currently writing from a hotel room north of Manchester, stranded as our car broke down yesterday evening, en route to Ireland with my brother to play golf. Unexpected 24 hour stop over on the M6. Gaahhh!!

But as @Ancora Imparo says - we have a great community here and in three plus years since I joined, it’s been support, assistance, camaraderie and positivity 100%.

Upwards and onwards, folks.

Keeping the place huddly and cuddly. Thank you.
Heart Beat Love GIF
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Stuart Kay

Fanfare! I'm sharing a TOC with Neil Gaiman and Lee Murray!
