Taking American Comics seriously

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Rachel Caldecott

Full Member
Nov 13, 2017
Lodeve, France
My brother was a serious theologian yet loved American comics. When he was terminally ill, Marvel Studios stepped forward and paid a tribute to my brother. Anyhoo, a lot of people still can't marry my brother's love of comics with his serious side. On the anniversary of my brother's death (ish... one day before, actually) this article came out and my sister in law sent it to me.
I thought you writers might be interested, given that: "...The Marvel and DC universes are almost certainly the most extensive pieces of continuous narrative in human history—which should commend them to the attention of anybody interested in culture..."

I have a friend who writes for comics (among other genres of writing)...I was desperate for him to come on Pop-Up Subs, because it's so different from the usual writing areas we cover, but he's not up for it...big shame, because the whole comic book/graphic novel area is a fascinating area of publishing...
I love comics and even got into writing by trying to write my own. I broke my leg when I was 18 and a friend had brought some round. After that I just devoured them for years and they've brought me so much pleasure - and so many of the stories seriously hold up, not just the more literary classics like Watchman, Sandman and Dark Knight Returns but the monthly titles too. Obviously they're now dominating cinema too...

Your brother was just ahead of the curve Rachel! Thoughts and prayers with you on this anniversary
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