Fantastic Video: Stull Kansas -Gateway to Hell

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Pamela Jo

Full Member
Oct 26, 2021
This wasn't far from where I went to uni. To me it was a lot of people scaring themselves. Then I moved to Wexford where there was another porthole to hell that the devil regularly visited. Loftus Hall. I seem to have an affinity for stairwells to hell. But everywhere has local urban legends. Boo Radley? Record yours, short video. Do it in costume. What better way to practice for Tik Tok than in a mask.

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I had a nephew who tried to get me out there every Halloween. but, you know, wasn't naughty enough for me
Imagine an Our Town production of Stull. All the normal farming small-town characters getting visited by rockstars once a year. Keeping up with the current youth fashions. it would be quite the excitement for grandma Hilda.
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