Steven Petite, Huff-Po: Genre Fiction v Literary Fiction

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Sep 25, 2014
Why versus? Anyway, a definition to chew on.

Genre friendly factoid: For the first time in 666 years, Halloween in 2014 will fall on a Friday 13. But, like Lewis Hamilton did on being presented with a black cat badge in Brazil, given to him with the intention of hexing him before the Grand Prix, I say black cats are lucky. He won.

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Totally agree with you on 'why versus?' The best book I read last year was 'The Yiddish Policeman's Union' by Michael Chabon which had beautifully constructed literary prose but a clear crime plot. If you think of the likes of Robert Louis Stevenson and Mark Twain you find key 'literary' writers who also told brilliant adventure stories that were enjoyed by children.

There's no way 'literary' and 'genre' are mutually exclusive.

Also disagree with this:

'There is a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment from finishing a "serious" book'

I hate the idea that you should read any book so that you can brag or feel proud about reading it. Yes, great books like 'Infinite Jest' require work but the payoff is in the insights and great passages you find in these books, not saying 'look at me, I finished War and Peace'.
I have no choice but to ignore people who brag about reading certain books, as if it makes them better than the rest of us in some way. That's as silly and pointless as saying you're superior because you crossed a certain street.
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