Software Upgrade

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Prior to some interesting new features here on Litopia, we'll be doing a significant software upgrade in a few hours.

This will:
  • Take the Colony offline for a time;
  • Result in a different-looking Colony when we're back online.
You can follow progress on Litopia's Twitter feed and Facebook page.

Is it likely to be offline hours, days, weeks etc?

Hope you're feeling a bit better today.
Basic upgrade has been completed, and the Colony is open again. However, some functionality will not be restored for a few hours, e.g. The Mash / Writing Groups.
The Mash / Writing Groups functionality not yet in place... will try to get them working during the day...
Enjoying the clean lines of the new look @AgentPete , but there are things to note:
- Is the inability to click-highlight on words/paragraphs deliberate? An anti-C&P device to protect work? I can see why you would do that (sort of) but it makes life just that much more difficult when replying and quoting. EDIT: I've just realised! Its not that you cannot select by clicking, its that selection highlight is white, like the background, so you cannot see it. That is definitely a fault.
- The new site does not display well on windows based instances of Chrome (Not that I personally care, but you should be aware as that is the most popular browser/OS combo in the world). The fonts used are all out of whack and their AA is broken. Assuming its a font scaling issue for mobile, which is something Windows never handles gracefully. Obviously its fine on MacOS/Safari.

Just an FYI!
An additional report: when I turn on italics, I can never turn them off again in that post. Neither the shortcut nor the command bar work.
EDIT: Apologies. Forgot to give details. Bad Howard! This is on MacOS with Safari. Not tried it on Chrome/Windows yet.
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I've just realised! Its not that you cannot select by clicking, its that selection highlight is white, like the background, so you cannot see it. That is definitely a fault.

Howard, this is now fixed, pls confirm.

- The new site does not display well on windows based instances of Chrome (Not that I personally care, but you should be aware as that is the most popular browser/OS combo in the world). The fonts used are all out of whack and their AA is broken. Assuming its a font scaling issue for mobile, which is something Windows never handles gracefully. Obviously its fine on MacOS/Safari.

Can't duplicate that on my setup, W10 + Chrome. Can you first flush anything that might be a hangover from the previous site CSS etc, and then try again?
@AgentPete Can confirm that the selection issue is fixed.
I cannot reproduce the issue with Chrome now, either. Must have just been a glitch in the first few days.

Awesome stuff!
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