Sloucho at the Groucho

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Octopus Messiah

Right, so tonight I'm going to an event at the Groucho entitled: Carry on Writing: Do Authors Need Social Media? It's run by Byte the Book, an organization that puts authors and publishers in the same room, run by the lovely Networker in Chief, Justine Solomons (tmi: who I met at a lesbian wedding snaffling canapes outside the kitchen).

I'm going mainly to yay or nay the Groucho's bloody marys but also to big up the colony, scan for LAD guests and, yes, garner some Social Media strategies for when Techno-Pagan Octopus Messiah and other titles are eventually trotted out into the electronic sunshine. I'm not sure if anybody is making any money-- other than the obvious-- but should be fun to find out. Will keep the colony posted! Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to Carry on Writing :)
(for the record: octopus "network" with the opposite sex by mating almost immediately. Same sex octopus tend to either fight or avoid. Note to self: happily married, not fond of head wounds or incarceration-- do not channel inner octopus.)


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Right, so tonight I'm going to an event at the Groucho entitled: Carry on Writing: Do Authors Need Social Media? It's run by Byte the Book, an organization that puts authors and publishers in the same room, run by the lovely Networker in Chief, Justine Solomons (tmi: who I met at a lesbian wedding snaffling canapes outside the kitchen).

I'm going mainly to yay or nay the Groucho's bloody marys but also to big up the colony, scan for LAD guests and, yes, garner some Social Media strategies for when Techno-Pagan Octopus Messiah and other titles are eventually trotted out into the electronic sunshine. I'm not sure if anybody is making any money-- other than the obvious-- but should be fun to find out. Will keep the colony posted! Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to Carry on Writing :)
(for the record: octopus "network" with the opposite sex by mating almost immediately. Same sex octopus tend to either fight or avoid. Note to self: happily married, not fond of head wounds or incarceration-- do not channel inner octopus.)
View attachment 633
Who said octopi and Bloody Marys dont mix?
Okay it's a bloody moot point anyway: they didn't have bloody mary's in the event room, just beer, wine and what looked like horrible cocktails (but only because I prefer Vodka to gin so, you know, beer me)

1. In some ways the event was like the colony made flesh: authors, publishers, media folks mingling, swapping tips: netwerrrrkin' it. Some of them were even making money by their craft.
2. I collected 5 business cards!
3. Talk was about the best way to use social media for authors. Much was aimed at people who are either terrified, disgusted or distracted by the process. Most advice was common sensicle: pick the social media you like doing, be part of your target audience before you try and sell them/pitch them things, show passion in your website, don't be the dude in the pub sitting down next to a stranger and asking them to buy a candy bar, things with pictures are almost always better/more fun (IMAG0663.jpg) etc...

4. But I learned Pew research is a great way to find out who your target audience is following, what sites they visit, etc. Have not looked into this yet but plan to...
5. OMG I sat next to a BT manager, went off on my recent broadband woes and received an apology (see: disruption of service thread)
6. Most importantly for my target mission (aside from the bloody bloody mary failure) met a couple of lovely people who have already suggested GUESTS for LAD. For the Winn!
Okay it's a bloody moot point anyway: they didn't have bloody mary's in the event room, just beer, wine and what looked like horrible cocktails (but only because I prefer Vodka to gin so, you know, beer me)

1. In some ways the event was like the colony made flesh: authors, publishers, media folks mingling, swapping tips: netwerrrrkin' it. Some of them were even making money by their craft.
2. I collected 5 business cards!
3. Talk was about the best way to use social media for authors. Much was aimed at people who are either terrified, disgusted or distracted by the process. Most advice was common sensicle: pick the social media you like doing, be part of your target audience before you try and sell them/pitch them things, show passion in your website, don't be the dude in the pub sitting down next to a stranger and asking them to buy a candy bar, things with pictures are almost always better/more fun (View attachment 635) etc...

4. But I learned Pew research is a great way to find out who your target audience is following, what sites they visit, etc. Have not looked into this yet but plan to...
5. OMG I sat next to a BT manager, went off on my recent broadband woes and received an apology (see: disruption of service thread)
6. Most importantly for my target mission (aside from the bloody bloody mary failure) met a couple of lovely people who have already suggested GUESTS for LAD. For the Winn!
For great justice!
'Ew' doesn't do that particular image justice..where do you find them?!! A glass of dead octopus is tasteful by comparison...
Okay it's a bloody moot point anyway: they didn't have bloody mary's in the event room, just beer, wine and what looked like horrible cocktails (but only because I prefer Vodka to gin so, you know, beer me)

6. Most importantly for my target mission (aside from the bloody bloody mary failure) met a couple of lovely people who have already suggested GUESTS for LAD. For the Winn!

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