Send the revised version or the version queried with?

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Nikky Lee

Nikky Lee
Full Member
Jul 27, 2018
New Zealand
Hi guys,

I had a partial manuscript request from an agent this morning. It's been a while since I sent the query, so I'd assumed my query was a no, so I've gone back and rewritten my 2nd chapter--which she saw half of in the query (she asked for the first 10 pages).

My question is this: should I send the version with the revised chapter? (Which I think is stronger). Or should I stick to what I originally sent?
Oooh, hard one. Half of me thinks send what she saw because that's what she liked, but the other half of me thinks send the stronger version.

How much did you rewrite chap 2? Is it just a stronger version of the same thing, or is it a complete and unrecognisable re-write? If it's the former, I'm leaning to agree with Steve. Send the stronger version on the basis it's only half a chapter's worth of changes. (I suspect they assume you've been working on it, but I don't know). If it's the latter and a complete rewrite with totally different story elements, then I don't know what the best thing to send is, but I'd probably still send the stronger version. The changes are in chapter 2. It sounds you've already hooked her in chapter 1, so job done and well done. If you think the new version is stronger, it can only strengthen your sub. I guess send what you feel is your finished book.

How big is the change?

Either way, well done. Excellent news. Let us know what you decide.
Having read both, I'd say stronger, if anything it shows your knack for improving things. If you're concerned, ask them, if sure they'll say, or send both and explain why there's two, let them decide.
A tough question, and I guess I'd send the revised version unless it is waaaay different. Congratulations on the follow-up request and good luck going forward..
Thanks guys, it looks like the consensus is to send the revised version (with a note).

How much did you rewrite chap 2? Is it just a stronger version of the same thing, or is it a complete and unrecognisable re-write?
It's not completely unrecognisable. The end of the chapter is the same, I've just cut out a lot of the slow world building at the front of the chapter (which is the bit she's seen). The request mentioned that they liked my query and wanted a synopsis along with the 5 chapters. I sent the synopsis with the original query, so I'm wondering if they haven't read the pages--just the query letter.
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