Help Please! Rugby

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Georgina Key
Mar 16, 2019
Houston, TX
Does anyone know where I might submit a poem about rugby?! I wrote it for my dad initially, but I kinda like it and would love to get more eyes on it. Being in the US, where rugby isn’t as popular, I’ve had trouble finding a place for it. With the Rugby World Cup coming, I wondered if any of you knew of a place that might be interested. I’d appreciate any tips—thank you!
Or you could tweak your poem to target the rugby widows (wives who's husbands are fanatics and away watching games all the times) then try a woman's mag.
It’s really told from a young girl’s POV who goes to her dad’s games with the family—but it’s kinda funny too!
The Rugby World Cup was last year and the next one is 2023. I'd love to see your poem. I agree a magazine is perhaps your best bet. For more rugby rhymes can I recommend Max Boyce, who wrote one I recall about a factory 'neath the valleys that made outside halves for Wales.
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