Resources on Crops, Seasons for Description

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Dear Litopians,

After wasting far too much time investigoogling for one sentence of plausible description, I wonder if anyone knows of a place that summarises what crops are planted and harvest at what time of year?

My particular search of the moment is, What does a cotton field look like (in Gujarat, India) in July? It's proving damnably hard to find out something so simple. And with things like Emotion Thesauruses (Writers Helping Writers), there must be something out there. This kind of resource will save HOURS. Thanks!
Thanks Tara Rose! We do our best, Jason... But seriously, every writer has to describe the countryside at some point - including what's growing. Why can't I find a nice little overview and benefit from other people's hard work?! :D
Thanks Tara Rose! We do our best, Jason... But seriously, every writer has to describe the countryside at some point - including what's growing. Why can't I find a nice little overview and benefit from other people's hard work?! :D
It's a lot easier now, than it was even seven or eight years ago — as the internet becomes more and more diffused with information, the likelihood of finding that for which you're looking grows every greater.
It's very easy now. :) Try writing before the Internet. LOL!! I spent a LOT of time in the local library.
I really started writing things I erroneously thought were good and publishable around 2003, and internet research had been birthed and steadied its legs already, by that point. I've often marveled at what it must have been like, trying to dig up all these things in a library.
Thanks, Katie-Ellen and Jason. I was a more active member pre-publication days, way back, gosh maybe sth like 10 years ago? Been back a few months, but haven't posted much hence newbie status =)
Ah! Jason's already venerated :)confused:) but quite new, so he wouldn't know that; whereas I was certainly not around 10 years ago, I'm just gaga :)rolleyes:) and must have forgotten. Hope we'll see you around again.

What's happened to me emoji's?
Ah! Jason's already venerated :)confused:) but quite new, so he wouldn't know that; whereas I was certainly not around 10 years ago, I'm just gaga :)rolleyes:) and must have forgotten. Hope we'll see you around again.

What's happened to me emoji's?
Yeah, I'm an Ensign Gary Stu.
Jason, is Ensign Gary Stu a reference to Mary Sue? So out of touch with culture o_O

Katie-Ellen, I guess after a few inactive years or during a site redesign my old profile was recycled :) So this is a new one, though same name.
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