Recommendations for headphones and lapel mics

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Feb 13, 2020
Plymouth, Devon
Hi all, can anyone recommend any makes of headphones, please? They have to be high-quality stereo ones that completely cover the ears, and keep out ambient noise. I say high-quality, but I don't want to pay more than £50 tops. They need to be connected with a cable and not by Bluetooth. I've been looking on Amazon. Are they all much of a muchness? Ditto lapel mics; are they all pretty much the same? Never used them. Thank you :)
Hi Galadriel.

I have these in both wired and BT. The BT ones for when I'm out walking. I have funny ears and hate buds. They always fall out and I think they lack depth and warmth anyway. The Sennheiser give really clar sound and cover the ears well.

They're a little bit over your budget at £60. But I've had mine for two years and think they're brilliant value for the money. They replaced two pevious pairs of Beats Solos (double the price) which both fell apart within a year. Beats are overrated and poorly made in my experience.

Hi @Jonny I knew you'd be the first to answer! ;) I think £60 may be fine. Never heard of the make, but then I'd never heard of the ones on Amazon either. I suppose the maxim 'buy cheap, buy twice,' might be a thought I need to pay heed to.
I'm not a fan of earbuds, but they came free with my mobile a couple of years ago. I'll stick 'em on Ebay.
Thanks for your help, otherwise, I could be looking forever. :)
Hi @Jonny I knew you'd be the first to answer! ;) I think £60 may be fine. Never heard of the make, but then I'd never heard of the ones on Amazon either. I suppose the maxim 'buy cheap, buy twice,' might be a thought I need to pay heed to.
I'm not a fan of earbuds, but they came free with my mobile a couple of years ago. I'll stick 'em on Ebay.
Thanks for your help, otherwise, I could be looking forever. :)
Hi @Galadriel

Sennheiser are extremely well thought of in audio equipment circles. They are used in many pro studios globally.

These are clearly their budget range, but as someone who has used many so-called pro sets in the past, they're excellent for the price. You can give £200-300 and a lot more for 'cans' (hey get me with my 'stoodio rappin' :) ) but for general use I think they are excellent.
Hi @Jonny they do Sennheiser on Amazon; also looking at Oneodio, which also seem to have good reviews. I just need them to have good clarity with the nuances of sound, and also to keep out as much outside noise as possible. I've seen the really pricey ones. Thankfully, I don't need those, and I'm not sure I could part with that amount of money, ha-ha.
Ah, 'cans,' I've only recently discovered that word. Gee, I remember when it wasn't cool to wear big earphones; now they're in again.
By the way, I suppose I should delete this thread say tomorrow. Is that under the three dots and 'edit thread?'
I'm not familiar with Oneodio but if the reviews are positive then I'm sure they'd be fine too. Other good quality and popular makes are Sony, Bose & JVC.

By the way, I suppose I should delete this thread say tomorrow. Is that under the three dots and 'edit thread?'

Yes, you should be able to delete it from there. If there's an issue and you can't let me know and I should be able to do it for you. Thinking about it if you don't get a specific option to delete you may not be able to do it. Just checked and I can so let me know.
Thanks, I’ll keep those in mind. Well, I can see that this convo isn’t inspiring anyone else, ha-ha! So, let us commit it to the ether!
I can only edit the thread, I can’t delete, so if you would do the honours . . . And again, thanks for your advice. :)
Depends on whetha you need to sneak around, checking out the pub run by the bad guys, and check in with your mate, who is sitting in a fake computer shop or builder's van parked a short way down the street, listening in with his kit. If so, your mic needs to be able to be hidden by the placket* on your coat or hoodie, and your headphones need to be so beautifully close fitting that no sound will filter out, though visible enough that you can pretend that you are some dude listening to downloads on an iPhone. Because everyone ignores someone self absorbed with an iPhone. Wankers. Useful wankers.

(* I didn't know this word until I watched The Great British Sewing Bee, when they made Parkas. Now I use it like a natural. Bite me.)
And I've been watching the thread, as I'm in the market for headphones. They're a bit more expensive in Australia, but the ones you recommended look good, @Jonny.
Depends on whetha you need to sneak around, checking out the pub run by the bad guys, and check in with your mate, who is sitting in a fake computer shop or builder's van parked a short way down the street, listening in with his kit. If so, your mic needs to be able to be hidden by the placket* on your coat or hoodie, and your headphones need to be so beautifully close fitting that no sound will filter out, though visible enough that you can pretend that you are some dude listening to downloads on an iPhone. Because everyone ignores someone self absorbed with an iPhone. Wankers. Useful wankers.

(* I didn't know this word until I watched The Great British Sewing Bee, when they made Parkas. Now I use it like a natural. Bite me.)
I do love your sense of humour @RG Worsey . Not covert op, but, it’s pretty important that I’m not hearing outside world.
I’m considering Oneodios at the moment. Fairly cheap, and hopefully decent.
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