Question re: middle grade

Fanfare! Flash Fiction....

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Call me stupid but what is an omniscient MG?
A narrator who is independent of the characters, can enter into different characters' thoughts, and who can sometimes be a character in themselves, offering opinions. They know everything, but don't necessarily tell us everything!
A narrator who is independent of the characters can enter into different characters' thoughts, and who can sometimes be a character in themselves, offering opinions. They know everything, but don't necessarily tell us everything!
Too complicated for my feeble brain (sigh).
Sometimes called The God view, because you, the writer, are letting the reader see and know everything as if they, like you, are looking down from above. Basically, you're writing in the third person, using he, she, it and they, and you're using exposition, moving from scene to scene, place to place, person to person.

@RK Capps Most MG of the 20th Century. Though they didn't call it Middle Grade then, just children's fiction plus suggested age group. The Secret Garden, The Midnight Folk, Carrie's War, A Little Princess.
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Fanfare! Flash Fiction....

Where Is My Competition, Where Is My Prize?
