Proposals as attachments

Great title for a romantacy about someone sending a meal as an attachment to his communique (need a fantasy way to attach a meal to a missive), and the meal symbolizes a marriage proposal.

Back here in our rather boring real world of publishing, docx is preferred. It allows the editor to comment upon the submission without jumping through PDF hoops. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, but in reality it means Portable Printable Format, emphasis on printing to paper. Not designed for online collaboration.
Another user of Word here.

I've been doing some querying lately and many agencies specify Word as their preferred. However, I've also seen PDF listed as acceptable.

I'm not a big fan of PDFs simply for the reason they're more of a faff to work with should (for whatever reason) editing be required.

But that's just my own preference and I shouldn't think a PDF submission would equate with hit delete.