Print on Demand Pricing

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Tim Bennett

Hi All
Does anyone have any experience of pricing a debut novel for print on demand?

I'm about to launch a second edition of my debut novel. The first was withdrawn for legal reasons, but weirdly the unplanned rewriting has, in my opinion, made it a better book. During its pre published life my book had professional developmental and copy edits, and several proofreads by friends and beta readers. I think it's in fine shape, with a wide readership linking to addiction, rehab, shamanism and spiritual journeys. It's not the longest of books at 210 pages / 53000 words. Yes, quality not quantity I hear hear you say. So, I'm thinking £7.99 for a softcover; £2.99 for ebook and 10.99 for hardcover.
Any views on this would be welcome.
Well if you're using a P.O.D. service, they set a minimum price which would probably be just under that, so you'be be governed by that.
I heard somewhere that Createspace/Amazon is setting up in the UK, too. If they do it there like they do it here, and you don't need hardbound, then your cost is exactly zero upfront, except for any proofs you might need, for a 300 page book, the cost of a proof is around US$5.50. Check it out, or just set it up on the CreateSpace website. They distribute in the UK and Europe and sell on Amazon UK as well.
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