Grr, titles... Anyway! What are your opinions on posting chapters on your blog that you've cut during the editing process? I have a couple, including the original first chapter, that I'm considering posting up. Not for any real reason because my blog doesn't exactly have readers.
I think it's more that I find it interesting to see how books are shaped and changed, and also, I like those chapters - they just needed to go because my mammoth book had to become a heffalump!
I'm also wondering if it could negatively impact any chance with an agent/publisher. Would it put them off if they saw that your work had been shown in, I don't know, an imperfect way before it got to them? Admittedly, my blog is under a different name to the one I'm using to approach agents (I approach with my real name), so I'm unsure if they'd see it anyway. This concern is only because I've read some agents will Google authors they're interested in.
I'm not querying at the moment (re-edit hack and slash still) so I guess I could always take anything down that I needed to. I mean, knowing my luck an agent would Google the work, find it under a different name, and then think I was a plagiarist! The horrors!

P.S I used the fancy search majig and couldn't find a similar topic so I'm sorry if this has been asked before. It probably has been. Yesterday. I bet I even replied to it.

I'm also wondering if it could negatively impact any chance with an agent/publisher. Would it put them off if they saw that your work had been shown in, I don't know, an imperfect way before it got to them? Admittedly, my blog is under a different name to the one I'm using to approach agents (I approach with my real name), so I'm unsure if they'd see it anyway. This concern is only because I've read some agents will Google authors they're interested in.
I'm not querying at the moment (re-edit hack and slash still) so I guess I could always take anything down that I needed to. I mean, knowing my luck an agent would Google the work, find it under a different name, and then think I was a plagiarist! The horrors!

P.S I used the fancy search majig and couldn't find a similar topic so I'm sorry if this has been asked before. It probably has been. Yesterday. I bet I even replied to it.