Possibly helpful tool: BetaBooks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Howard
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EDIT! SCRATCH THIS! This isn't actually free, it just doesn't warn you about pricing until you are all set up! Teach me to read things on the internet when I am this tired!

Nothing to see here. Move along!

Original Post

One of the endless list of writing blogs I am subscribed to actually sent me something useful the other day.


This site allows you to set up a private beta group for those who have volunteered to trial your work. You can invite people with just their email, control what they see of your work and even see how much they have read. Feedback can also be left via this portal so you can keep it all in one place rather than scattered across chat programs and email.

Not tried it myself, yet, but I have signed up and might give it a whirl for future projects. Could be useful.
(Obviously, I know we have a similar feature here in the Colony, but this is for when you want to engage with others outside our group.)
Still helpful, Howard, as it lets us know it's one to avoid (unless we want to pay for it). Thanks anyway!
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