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Tomorrow (March 11th) is #PitMad on Twitter. Is anyone taking part?

Here is some information about the event if anyone is curious: http://www.brenda-drake.com/pitmad/

And there is a bunch of awesome information on here: http://avajae.blogspot.co.uk/ including how to write a good un and some previous pitches that got attention.

Some of the information can be conflicting. I've seen both: do include character name/don't include character name and post no more than once an hour/you can post twice an hour.

I've spent most of the day like this: :confused::eek: I guess that's not unusual, but still, 140 character pitch. EEP.
Tomorrow (March 11th) is #PitMad on Twitter. Is anyone taking part?

Here is some information about the event if anyone is curious: http://www.brenda-drake.com/pitmad/

And there is a bunch of awesome information on here: http://avajae.blogspot.co.uk/ including how to write a good un and some previous pitches that got attention.

Some of the information can be conflicting. I've seen both: do include character name/don't include character name and post no more than once an hour/you can post twice an hour.

I've spent most of the day like this: :confused::eek: I guess that's not unusual, but still, 140 character pitch. EEP.

AND the conflicting answers are in the same posts! I think they said "post no more than once and hour, at most two". What?! :)

Of course you know I am in! Nice post, btw! :)
Awesome, @Katie-Ellen Hazeldine ! But get that hashtag #pitmad! Unless you've seen madpit being used, then ignore me! :oops:

Haha, @EPHahn It's time to become "What year is this?!" :eek:

Here are the pitches I'm going to be throwing around today (I think):

There’s only one catch, if Robin wants to see his brother again he needs to kidnap Death’s daughter. #pitmad #ya

"Kidnap Death's daughter" simple instructions, deadly task. Especially when Robin learns a traitor is hunting her, too. #pitmad #ya #f

One world deadly, the other unfamiliar. Death’s daughter, Sophie, must resist capture if she wants to save them both. #pitmad #ya #f

To resurrect his brother, Robin must kidnap Death’s daughter. Easy, she’s already on the run. Next step: prevent the apocalypse. #pitmad #ya

Being Death’s daughter was easy:sit in tower,be bored.But now Sophie must resist capture or become the catalyst of the apocalypse.#pitmad#ya

Best of all luckiest lucks to us all!
Awesome, @Katie-Ellen Hazeldine ! But get that hashtag #pitmad! Unless you've seen madpit being used, then ignore me! :oops:

Haha, @EPHahn It's time to become "What year is this?!" :eek:

Here are the pitches I'm going to be throwing around today (I think):

There’s only one catch, if Robin wants to see his brother again he needs to kidnap Death’s daughter. #pitmad #ya

"Kidnap Death's daughter" simple instructions, deadly task. Especially when Robin learns a traitor is hunting her, too. #pitmad #ya #f

One world deadly, the other unfamiliar. Death’s daughter, Sophie, must resist capture if she wants to save them both. #pitmad #ya #f

To resurrect his brother, Robin must kidnap Death’s daughter. Easy, she’s already on the run. Next step: prevent the apocalypse. #pitmad #ya

Being Death’s daughter was easy:sit in tower,be bored.But now Sophie must resist capture or become the catalyst of the apocalypse.#pitmad#ya

Best of all luckiest lucks to us all!

That first one is still my fav! So much punch in one little line!!! :) Good luck!
Watching this stream for about two mins... it seemed like all eternity... approx one pitch a second...! Total blur. And everyone is trying to condense a plot synopsis down to 140 chars. My vision of purgatory.

The only thing you can really do with `40 chars is “hi-concept”, e.g. “Tornado + Sharks = Sharknado!” I would go for that... but it’s been done... :cool:
Watching this stream for about two mins... it seemed like all eternity... approx one pitch a second...! Total blur. And everyone is trying to condense a plot synopsis down to 140 chars. My vision of purgatory.

The only thing you can really do with `40 chars is “hi-concept”, e.g. “Tornado + Sharks = Sharknado!” I would go for that... but it’s been done... :cool:
No joke! I think I already saw a couple of agents give up and just say "query me, I'm too busy for this madness!" :) It's been great for networking, though... So I will give it that.
Drubbed into, erm, submission? Please mute me on twitter for today, folks, while I test. Thanks for RT's, my pleasure to RT.

KatieEllen Hazeldine@TacticalTarot · 2m 2 minutes ago
#PitMad PC Sunny Adams is searching for his brother Freddy. Death takes us far away. We travel in our dreams but love is the farthest reach.

KatieEllen Hazeldine‏@TacticalTarot15 secs16 seconds ago
#PitMad (A) PC Sunny Adams sees ghosts. How can he lay his brother Freddy to rest? Until he finds a way, there's no rest for Sunny either.
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I should add a Health Warning to what I’ve just posted: if you really do have a killer high-concept idea, DO NOT post it on Twitter!

That’s probably one of the best, most sure-fire ways yet invented to get instantly ripped off.

We cover lawsuits alleging IP theft all the time on The Debriefer. Mostly for film, and almost invariably, they are resolved in favour of the studio, against the author.

You have been warned!
Thx for the warning.

IP = continuously evolving nightmare, I gather from sister, a solicitor; did something or other many years back now for a member of Take That.
I'm avoiding looking too much at the hashtag! I watched it the minute it hit 12pm and thought that it was going so slow, but I've just got back from the vets and it's madness! If you follow me on Twitter you'll have probably seen, but if not (and because I can't stop dancing/crying about it), my axolotl just got back from a successful operation to remove two tumors. :D He is so thin we have no idea how he pulled through but he did and I'm just like this: :eek:

Anyway! I will get to retweeting you guys right away. :D This is actually the first time I'm seeing what some of you are writing about, and we've been talking for a few months now! It's exciting. :)

@AgentPete This must be a mad time for agents! I've read that a fair few wait until it's over and then read through them. Also, thanks for the warning! I don't think mine counts as high-concept (because I don't know what it is :oops:) so I'll carry on being a spambot for the day.

Oh! And @Katie-Ellen Hazeldine You just scared the heck outta me! I thought that was already a book for a second there! Haha!

One last thing, how often are you guys tweeting? I tweeted twice in the first hour and instantly panicked it was overkill. But seeing how quickly tweets are vanishing I think twice might be the way to go! :confused:
I am tweeting roughly twice an hour. :) I am sure my followers are getting blasted with them... but in all honesty, it's a fair trade off. I don't tweet all that often.
my axolotl just got back from a successful operation to remove two tumors

Now you don’t hear that every day.

Pleased to hear it. Both Ian (Winn, of LAD infamy) and I are aquarists. He’s saline and I’m pure. And I also fancy freshwater inverts. An axolotl would be bliss :)
Both Ian (Winn, of LAD infamy) and I are aquarists. He’s saline and I’m pure. And I also fancy freshwater inverts. An axolotl would be bliss :)
Oh, wow! Are those little blue shrimps freshwater inverts? They're adorable. I only keep axolotls, but I love all creatures and have a soft spot for water dwellers because they're often overlooked in how incredible they are! There seems to be quite the bunch of animal lovers here, it's a shame we don't have a pets thread. Or maybe we do and I've forgotten. :confused: Or maybe it's because this is a writing forum... Anyway! Here's a picture of Hoshi (not quite a cat, @EPHahn , haha! :p) when he was big and strong:

It will take a while to build him back up to that because he became completely emaciated due to the tumors. But, I'm certain we'll get there again! He's pretty odd looking for an axolotl anyway. He's a rescue, I didn't do that to his gills! If you're interested (or anyone else for that matter) here's a video of the development from axolotl eggs into axolotl babies from a blog I used to write: https://gillymclotl.wordpress.com/2011/06/08/axolotl-babies/ Sorry about the music! :p I think it's amazing that it happens in just two weeks.
Thanks you for bringing this to our attention - I thought I would give it a shot. 4 likes so far but unfortunately only one of them is actually an agent. LOL :-)
It's ooooover! :eek::D

That's awesome @Karen Gray and @Kitty ! :D Are you going to submit?

Well done @Kitty

Yeah, I submitted it last night. It was for Book 2 in the series which, I have only sent to the WOM Prize so I sent it over :) You never know, if she likes it she may ask for book 1 too ;)
Well the woman that favoured my tweet said to submit re her agency guidelines, plus sample pages though she didn't say how many, and on the website it says not to send attachments unless asked for, which of course they were. SO I went for the norm roughly 50 pages (46 so I didn't cut off mid chapter), plus (because, why the hell not?) my projected series progression and glossary because it's always better to have it.

At the end of the day I have already come to terms with the fact the series is probably too specialised for an agent to want to stick their neck out for it, so I will self publish, why not take the chance that she might like it. It's an American agent so perhaps the non-American-ness of it is a draw ;)
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