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#PitMad Next Thursday (Sept 10)

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Jun 14, 2015
Texas, USA
#PitMad is almost here! And they've added some new genres (finally!), so brush up on the rules here.

For those that don't want to click:

The rules are simple. Everyone is welcome to pitch. All genres/categories are welcomed. Must be completed, polished, unpublished manuscripts. You can pitch more than one manuscript. Throughout the day tweet your pitch. Try not to do it too much (rule of thumb is twice per hour per manuscript). When you see an industry professional on the feed, tweet it once. Make sure to include the hashtag #PitMadand your genre/category (if you can fit it).

The agents/publishers will tweet their submission preferences and favorite your tweet if they want to see more. If you get a favorite from an agent or publisher, follow their submission preference and send them their request as soon as you can. They should have tweeted what they want you to send, so check their twitter feed for that information. If they haven’t listed it, follow their submission guidelines on their websites. Make sure to put “PitMad Request: TITLE” in the subject line of your email when sending your request.

Don’t tweet agents and publishers directly unless they tweet you first.

Don’t favorite friends tweets. The agents will be requesting by favoriting tweets. so let’s keep that for requests. You can RT your friends to show your support.

Please keep in mind, we never know what agents or publishers will be on the hashtag, so make sure you research each requesting agent or publisher. You do not have to send requests to those requesting if you don’t want to work with them.

If you can’t be there, you can always schedule your tweets by using Tweetdeck or some other application that schedules tweets.

And finally, be nice and courteous to each other, and especially to the industry professionals. We’ve had some success stories come out of our previous#PitMads and we’d hate to have it canceled due to abuse. If you do see abuse, please report it to Twitter or notify one of the hosts of the event. Thank you!

Nicole's #1 MAIN RULE: Don't favorite tweets!!! Only retweet to show support. Can't tell you how many times I near had a heart attack last #PitMad because I saw a "favorite" notification on my phone. Good luck! :)
No favourites for me as yet, but there's still time. It must take ages to go through all the tweets, those poor people. Still I had a laugh for my first try ;)
I'm happy to see the new rules, the event is chaos! I don't know if I'll be taking part in December. I didn't even realize it was on until I saw Erin tweeting. I got a favourite but I've decided not to pursue it. If anything, I think the event is pretty good at making you really think about the core of your story. I like that, it's a cool exercise!
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