Pitmad is on! Are you?

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Feb 27, 2015
Who else is tweeting on #pitmad?

I will retweet you. Let us know here. Don't forget to put your category e.g. #mg #ya etc and all important #pitmad. If agent favourites it then send them further details if you want following their guidelines. Goodluck!

I am on @eimanmunro :D
Someone advised me to pin my tweet so I did. lol. Am slowly getting the hang of twitter myself @jasonbyrne

This is how I use it...I like to tweet my random and sporadic thought for the day. I only tweet one or two on average per day. Sometimes I read other people's tweets of motivation and fluffy stuff. Mostly i actively search for informative tweeters like those I know or look at @literaryrejections and just scroll through all their tweets. Some very good tips etc. I hope you see what I mean.

@Karen Gray Thanks for the retweet..see you there.
I was about to say that too. I searched @jasonbyrne but the twitter version of Jason Byrne seems to have a great handle on twitter usage than the Jason Byrne here admits to...so either he is very modest (the Jason Byrne here) or he is someone else :D.
Yeah no Twitter account. I couldn't figure it out with a thirty-second cursory inspection, and thusly gave up. I know enough to make pop culture references only.
"#idontgettwitter, y'all!" "Haha, that guy's funny." Etc.
Yeah no Twitter account. I couldn't figure it out with a thirty-second cursory inspection, and thusly gave up. I know enough to make pop culture references only.
"#idontgettwitter, y'all!" "Haha, that guy's funny." Etc.
"I don't care who you are, that's some funny @%it right there!"
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A social media marketing colleague had to show me the ropes...once it 'clicked' (in my head ;) ) I started enjoying twitter and its potential as a networking and learning resource. If you think that you can speak to almost anyone without having their email is quite powerful. Whether they respond back is another story. But they will look at it if they are mentioned.

Also useful for those who want to publicly complain about a company's service and get help from their customer service pronto. Or praise them as i prefer to do.
Oooooooo OOOO! I got favourite again! The same tweet I got favourite with the last time I did pitmad lol... that one's a keeper then. A lady called Lisa Abellera from K C Associates literary agency (I think that's california (zip code CA? ))
Oooooooo OOOO! I got favourite again! The same tweet I got favourite with the last time I did pitmad lol... that one's a keeper then. A lady called Lisa Abellera from K C Associates literary agency (I think that's california (zip code CA? ))

Well done! Off to the submission gong you go..lol ;) That's really good. So it does work. I only tweeted twice in the hour. Didn't keep it going. Still getting my head round it all. But brilliant work @Karen Gray getting close xxx
Well done! Off to the submission gong you go..lol ;) That's really good. So it does work. I only tweeted twice in the hour. Didn't keep it going. Still getting my head round it all. But brilliant work @Karen Gray getting close xxx
Thanks. I tweeted twice per complete book over 2 hours so 4 tweets each all in all :)
Haha, not quite. It was a quite excellent ghost story I read last week. ;)
Oh right. Pitmad was an opportunity for writers who use twitter to connect with agents with a sales pitch. Looks like I missed it though, because the word meant nothing to me in isolation!
Is it an annual thing? I know what it is now, but I still don't know what the word means!
Every couple of months @David Steele there will be a sci-fi and Fantasy specific one in July I think... I will need to double check dates but I think it's July
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