On Your Shelf...

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This is my temp book shelf, when I work away from my family in Switzerland, I have just a few that I carry around from plane trips, most of a lot of what I read is on my kindle. Bun on this book shelf, you would see

French, German and Spanish language books

Head first design patterns, which is a java architect / how to design software book

East of Eden - Steinbeck
A Picture of Dorien Gray - Wilde
A Life Half Lived - Andrew Mcloued
2013 Childrens Writers yearbook
Sapiens - Yoval Noah Harrari
Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Magic -
23 things they dont tell you about capitalism - Ha-Joon Chang
Chrome Yellow - Huxley
Opened Ground - Seamus Heany

And pictures of my three women, Joanne, my wife, Claudia and Yasmin, dont have a pic of my boy ut there, witll have to work on that. Also, a box of my writing, notes, mad insights
My favourite mug which has a pac man motif on it, when its full of hot liquid, it lights up, like a video game and a lamp I bought in Morroco
My office bookshelf is my "professional" collection and my "craft" collection. Novels and whatnot tend to reside in the living room or bedroom (though more and more, they live on the Kindle). A smattering from the office:
Birds of Panama--Robert Ridgely and John Gwynne, Jr (Ridgely rescued me at the Panama Canal one day many years ago after I'd rolled a Smithsonian vehicle out in the rainforest...)
For Love of Insects--Tom Eisner
The Ants--Holdobler and Wilson
Flight of the Huia--Kerry-Jane Wilson
Spiders of NZ and their Worldwide Kin--Ray and Lyn Forster
The Reed Dictionary of Modern Maori--P.M. Ryan
How to Use, Adapt, and Design Sewing Patterns--Hollahan
Sewing Outdoor Gear--Harper
Project WET Curriculum Activity Guide
Primary Science--Wynn Harlan
Damn I'll at work — have to take a picture of mine and jump in tomorrow.
Top shelf of the case is all paperbacks

Rough Guides, Spain, Italy. France
Book of Bunny Suicides- Andy Riley (family gift, tut! :))
The Soldier's Wife - Joanna Trollope
Millstone Grit - Glyn Hughes
Pierre et Jean- Guy de Maupassant
Child In The Forest- Winifred Foley
Precious Bane - Mary Webb
The Soul of the White Ant- Eugene Marais
Ghost and Ghoul - TC Lethbridge
Guidebook to The Yorkshire Dales

Complete British Butterflies in Colour
Good as Gold / Joseph Heller
Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear
Instruction Manual for Swallowing / Adam Marek
The Inheritors / William Golding
The Jungle Book / Rudyard Kipling
The 48 Laws of Power / Green and Elffers
Gurus of India/ Sujan Singh Uban
Rings of Saturn / WG Sebald
Gray's Anatomy / Gray
How to be Good / Nick Hornby
I don't do shelves, I do piles (it's more artistic like ;)) plus they are ever changing depending on what I am focusing on.
The current left to right we have is;

English Dictionary - I rarely use it but useful none the less - just in case
Scots dialect dictionary - gets a fair amount of use
Roget's English Thesaurus - rarely use
Japanese 4 dummies - because it's the next best thing seen as I've misplaced my dictionary
The Naked Author - never read it
Book of Gaelic - I use a lot
My book 1 - I use for reference
My book 2 - I use for reference
Demon Bound - added today because currently it's my favourite
The Tudors dvds seasons 1-4 - not books but they are in the pile so *shrugs*
Boudoir photography - because you need to know what to do when people get saucy :p jk
D7100 Photography book - Don't use much. Use it more now that I am only using the camera in manual mode
Word origins book - Never use but think it may be useful some time
Photography guide - Because I have switched to manual dslr photography and needed a little tuition :)
Illustrator guide - Because it makes life easier
ENORMOUS Mythology, Myths, Legends and Fantasies book - fairly obvious why.

And above I have my lovely clan regions map because... well, it's obvious why considering what I write.

Thing is as I've said before, I don't really read so most of mine are purely reference or instruction manuals :)
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I don't do shelves, I do piles (it's more artistic like ;)) plus they are ever changing depending on what I am focusing on.
The current left to right we have is;

English Dictionary - I rarely use it but useful none the less - just in case
Scots dialect dictionary - gets a fair amount of use
Roget's English Thesaurus - rarely use
Japanese 4 dummies - because it's the next best thing seen as I've misplaced my dictionary
The Naked Author - never read it
Book of Gaelic - I use a lot
My book 1 - I use for reference
My book 2 - I use for reference
Demon Bound - added today because currently it's my favourite
The Tudors dvds seasons 1-4 - not books but they are in the pile so *shrugs*
Boudoir photography - because you need to know what to do when people get saucy :p jk
D7100 Photography book - Don't use much. Use it more now that I am only using the camera in manual mode
Word origins book - Never use but think it may be useful some time
Photography guide - Because I have switched to manual dslr photography and needed a little tuition :)
Illustrator guide - Because it makes life easier
ENORMOUS Mythology, Myths, Legends and Fantasies book - fairly obvious why.

And above I have my lovely clan regions map because... well, it's obvious why considering what I write.

Thing is as I've said before, I don't really read so most of mine are purely reference or instruction manuals :)

Thats lovely, see you got some pics from the children also.

I have a Nikon D3100 which I use in manual mode also. I have a D50 with quite a few Nikor lenses, but all in Spain.

Crac agus ceol
Thats lovely, see you got some pics from the children also.

I have a Nikon D3100 which I use in manual mode also. I have a D50 with quite a few Nikor lenses, but all in Spain.

Crac agus ceol

Fun and music indeed, though we spell craic with an 'i' in Scotland too, same as in Ireland.

I've just started with manual mode because I'm keen to specialise in boudoir now so moving from sport to portraits and I would like the entire thing to be organic - manual is the way to go :) Will make my photography better too.

Sophie is quite the artist, Matthew is starting to become one but Sophie is really artsy minded. My mum gave her her old digital camera when she bought a new one and she is forever taking pictures. I'm now actually teaching her how to use the D7100 in manual mode with an old 50mm 1.8 AIS lens I got on ebay for £40 and takes the most AMAZING pictures... love love love. She has actually taken some nice snaps, will have to put them on my flikr at some point actually. But I kind of thought if she is as enthusiastic as she is now when her brain is still in sponge mode, why the hell not teach her? She will be waaaaay better than me before she's even a teenager if she keeps going the way she's going and she will only get better. She's 4 by the by.
Fun and music indeed, though we spell craic with an 'i' in Scotland too, same as in Ireland.

I've just started with manual mode because I'm keen to specialise in boudoir now so moving from sport to portraits and I would like the entire thing to be organic - manual is the way to go :) Will make my photography better too.

Sophie is quite the artist, Matthew is starting to become one but Sophie is really artsy minded. My mum gave her her old digital camera when she bought a new one and she is forever taking pictures. I'm now actually teaching her how to use the D7100 in manual mode with an old 50mm 1.8 AIS lens I got on ebay for £40 and takes the most AMAZING pictures... love love love. She has actually taken some nice snaps, will have to put them on my flikr at some point actually. But I kind of thought if she is as enthusiastic as she is now when her brain is still in sponge mode, why the hell not teach her? She will be waaaaay better than me before she's even a teenager if she keeps going the way she's going and she will only get better. She's 4 by the by.

Thats great, 4 is never too young, point and click, 'specialy in automatic mode, but Nikon make it so easy. Never thought of ebay for lenses, I suppose I am old school, no trusting them.

And Scotland is such a dramatic place for shooting. I spent 2 weeks in the cuillins in Skye (long time ago) and could not get over the colours. I also have this massive impression of Rannoch more with a dark russet sides and sliver sreams reflecting sunlight.
Thats great, 4 is never too young, point and click, 'specialy in automatic mode, but Nikon make it so easy. Never thought of ebay for lenses, I suppose I am old school, no trusting them.

And Scotland is such a dramatic place for shooting. I spent 2 weeks in the cuillins in Skye (long time ago) and could not get over the colours. I also have this massive impression of Rannoch more with a dark russet sides and sliver sreams reflecting sunlight.
That's where my main, main, main MC is from, Glen Rannoch and the Rannoch moors (also why she named her familiar Rannoch) I can't wait till it snows (properly) so I can get photos of Eilean Donan Castle in the snow to use in book 4 and 5 illustrations :)
We have eight bookcases stuffed from floor to ceiling with paperbacks/hardbacks. And there are books all over the house not in cases because we don't have anymore, or have room for them. LOL!! :) And don't get me started on my Kindle… ;)

Living in a small house is good for that. We don't tend to amass books anymore (she says as she looks at the groaning shelves above her head :oops:--but I need those for research) But we always have tons of books checked out of the library. So nice that they house our reading material for us! ;)
Of the top of my head, I have several Fighting Fantasy books by Jackson and Livingstone, many books by P.C. Cast, a whole shelf of reference books for art and writing and lots of books on mythology and history. The hubby is more into autobiographies so he has his own shelf for those.
And it's on my bedside table! On the book-positioning league in our house, that's impressive. It's like Burgess suddenly stepping into a Rugby Union shirt and playing for England.
I have finally returned home from vacation and can participate - yay! So.... which ten do you want? (Note: this is one section of like four like it)


The first ten I saw were my entire Preston & Child series, so that was easy :)
Oh! I forgot!!!
I took pictures!
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The first 10 on my shelves are...
The Vision of Arcadia: The First Vision (Jason Byrne) :D:D:D:D:D
The Vision of Arcadia: Across the World (Jason Byrne) :D:D:D:D
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith)
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll an Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Stories (HP Lovecraft)
Tales from the Cthulhu Mythos (HP Lovecraft et. al.)
The Nature of Monsters (Clare Clark)
Forever Ours (Janis Amatuzio, MD)

After that... Lovecraft Lovecraft Lovecraft Max Brooks Dante Alighieri etc.
Oh! I forgot!!!
I took pictures!
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The first 10 on my shelves are...
The Vision of Arcadia: The First Vision (Jason Byrne) :D:D:D:D:D
The Vision of Arcadia: Across the World (Jason Byrne) :D:D:D:D
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith)
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll an Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Stories (HP Lovecraft)
Tales from the Cthulhu Mythos (HP Lovecraft et. al.)
The Nature of Monsters (Clare Clark)
Forever Ours (Janis Amatuzio, MD)

After that... Lovecraft Lovecraft Lovecraft Max Brooks Dante Alighieri etc.
World War Z is such a great book.
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