Help Please! Odd Request

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Miss Muses


So here is the issue I have run into and I am well aware how stupid this is going to sound.

I wrote my book on a phone. No judgment, I had just had my son and all I wanted to do was be able to add a bit here and there in between caring for a newborn.

I am not looking for deep, technical editing and I am aware there are a few hiccups which I've yet to fix...I just need someone who can skim over it and fix mistypes and punctuation. I would do it but I feel myself lacking time as the baby is now almost walking!

Also, hopefully someone out there finds editing a hobby because I really can't affrd to pay!

Is there ANYONE out there who would do this? Or maybe just read some of it and give my an honest opinion?

So here is the issue I have run into and I am well aware how stupid this is going to sound.

I wrote my book on a phone. No judgment, I had just had my son and all I wanted to do was be able to add a bit here and there in between caring for a newborn.

I am not looking for deep, technical editing and I am aware there are a few hiccups which I've yet to fix...I just need someone who can skim over it and fix mistypes and punctuation. I would do it but I feel myself lacking time as the baby is now almost walking!

Also, hopefully someone out there finds editing a hobby because I really can't affrd to pay!

Is there ANYONE out there who would do this? Or maybe just read some of it and give my an honest opinion?

How many words? I will, if you like!
What format is it in? .rtf or docx works... so does .txt.
Its a word document!
And about above message, Agents aren't banging down the door so there would be no rush...
I have one concern...I don't want my book stolen and I certainly dont think you would but is there a way to copyright or ensure it's saftey? :D
Its a word document!
And about above message, Agents aren't banging down the door so there would be no rush...
I have one concern...I don't want my book stolen and I certainly dont think you would but is there a way to copyright or ensure it's saftey? :D
I do believe that it was copyrighted the day you started writing it down. Intellectual property rights being what they are. You can research it more, if you like. I do understand what you mean, though. I worry about it, too!
Send it out as PDF, then, Miss Muses. Members do already help each other out with bits and pieces, but also for real biggies, like this, the Houses will be -reopening here at some point on Litopia. See other threads re: Houses :)

Re; fixing typos. If it's a first draft, I learned what you really need to know first off is; do you have a story? Has this story got legs? Is there any HUGE problem with it? You need the architecture right first. The typos and stuff are nothing, nothing at all but massive potential time-eaters, at early draft stage . You could spend dozens of hours fixing all those only to decide to do a total revision, wiping out all that effort, because for sure, the editing will then need to be done all over again.
Or so I found after finishing a first draft. I 'd suggest at this stage, only ask your volunteer pair of eyes if the story grabs? What are their responses to the story? What does and doesn't work in their experience as your reader.
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Send it out as PDF, then, Miss Muses. Members do already help each other out with bits and pieces, but also for real biggies, like this, the Houses will be -reopening here at some point on Litopia. See other threads re: Houses :)

Re; fixing typos. If it's a first draft, I learned what you really need to know first off is; do you have a story? Has this story got legs? Is there any HUGE problem with it? You need the architecture right first. The typos and stuff are nothing, nothing at all but massive potential time-eaters, at early draft stage . You could spend dozens of hours fixing all those only to decide to do a total revision, wiping out all that effort, because for sure, the editing will then need to be done all over again.
Or so I found after finishing a first draft. I 'd suggest at this stage, only ask your volunteer pair of eyes if the story grabs? What are their responses to the story? What does and doesn't work in their experience as your reader.

Couldn't say it better myself!
Send it out as PDF, then, Miss Muses. Members do already help each other out with bits and pieces, but also for real biggies, like this, the Houses will be -reopening here at some point on Litopia. See other threads re: Houses :)

Re; fixing typos. If it's a first draft, I learned what you really need to know first off is; do you have a story? Has this story got legs? Is there any HUGE problem with it? You need the architecture right first. The typos and stuff are nothing, nothing at all but massive potential time-eaters, at early draft stage . You could spend dozens of hours fixing all those only to decide to do a total revision, wiping out all that effort, because for sure, the editing will then need to be done all over again.
Or so I found after finishing a first draft. I 'd suggest at this stage, only ask your volunteer pair of eyes if the story grabs? What are their responses to the story? What does and doesn't work in their experience as your reader.

Couldn't say it better myself!

And I couldn't have said it all!! Thanks KTLN :D
Send it out as PDF, then, Miss Muses. Members do already help each other out with bits and pieces, but also for real biggies, like this, the Houses will be -reopening here at some point on Litopia. See other threads re: Houses :)

Re; fixing typos. If it's a first draft, I learned what you really need to know first off is; do you have a story? Has this story got legs? Is there any HUGE problem with it? You need the architecture right first. The typos and stuff are nothing, nothing at all but massive potential time-eaters, at early draft stage . You could spend dozens of hours fixing all those only to decide to do a total revision, wiping out all that effort, because for sure, the editing will then need to be done all over again.
Or so I found after finishing a first draft. I 'd suggest at this stage, only ask your volunteer pair of eyes if the story grabs? What are their responses to the story? What does and doesn't work in their experience as your reader.

Absolutely correct.
Only 290 pages? Seems a low number for 100K words, so I'm wondering if you used 1 and a half or double line spacing, as single isn't acceptable? I'd offer to help, but as I'm moving (temporarily again) in 3 weeks, I couldn't look at it until after then. Plenty of helpers around here thankfully, so good luck with it. If you get stuck and can wait, I can do a basic edit/check towards the end of this month.
Hang on, you wrote your book on a PHONE? That just boggles the mind, staggers the steady-footed and blows the socks off many a casual-chic loafer-wearing octopus. I just ... WOW!
A copyright mark ©2015 on your work is an "unofficial" copyright. In most situations, it signifies that you are the author of a copyrighted work.

If you want an ironclad copyright, one way to do this is to print your story with ©2015 copyright, seal it in an envelope, and mail it through the post to yourself. Leave the envelope unopened. This is considered legal copyright. Afterward you can show it to whomever you like with impunity.
A copyright mark ©2015 on your work is an "unofficial" copyright. In most situations, it signifies that you are the author of a copyrighted work.

If you want an ironclad copyright, one way to do this is to print your story with ©2015 copyright, seal it in an envelope, and mail it through the post to yourself. Leave the envelope unopened. This is considered legal copyright. Afterward you can show it to whomever you like with impunity.

Fair warning for us Yanks: This is only true in Britain. In the United States, this has little legal effect.
Are you serious?

Well that's an eye-opener. Never mind then. Not that I did anything but slap a © on there, in the first place.
A copyright mark ©2015 on your work is an "unofficial" copyright. In most situations, it signifies that you are the author of a copyrighted work.

If you want an ironclad copyright, one way to do this is to print your story with ©2015 copyright, seal it in an envelope, and mail it through the post to yourself. Leave the envelope unopened. This is considered legal copyright. Afterward you can show it to whomever you like with impunity.

I'm not sure if it's still true in the U.S., but it used to me.
Envelope is far from perfect:
If someone did try and steal your work, it could be a major performance dreging though email trails, old computer files etc as well as expensive in legal fees, whereas registered copyright is yours, full stop. I've registered my film script, published first book (thus demonstrably mine), will copyright register other 2 when complete.
I don't know why I didn't think of sealing an envelope years later, or adjusting the computer date/time. Only way to go is to break down and do it right, it seems. Thanks, AliG.
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