Help! Lit Lite. Argh ?


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Sep 25, 2014
I am reviewing, yet again, and revising the send out package for a first novel while drafting a second novel

It's this business of classifying the novel. The thing I've written isn't a particular genre. I think of it as general fiction, or as psychological suspense or mystery, with elements of crime and the supernatural. I wonder what is the understanding in this company of LIT LITE or commercial-literary fiction?

This is the question: Is calling an MSS 'general fiction' a cop-0ut, or an error in making a pitch to agents, do we think?

Can anyone here suggest any recent novel titles they would describe as 'LIT LITE'

Before I tear some hair out. Probably my own.


Meanwhile, there's this on the subject:
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Fanfare! Happy new year

Christmas guilty pleasures
