Kazuo Ishiguro and Neil Gaiman debate "genre fiction"

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Thanks. Just the thing for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Sounds like there is the beginning of a tendency for genre boundaries, including the boundary between genre and literary, to blur and break down. I think that is probably a good thing.
I didn't know genre fiction was looked down open by literary 'types'. huh:confused:

Yup. I spent college in the company of literary types. I also recall reading one conservative writer state that fantasy wasn't "real writing" because "real writing" deals with issues people actually have to face. You know, because Tolkien was a hack.
I am increasingly getting a vibe of snobbery which I shrugged off before but maybe it is just normal behaviour in all industries. Although it nicely balances with more supportive people. ;)
Wait, no. I think it was racial prejudice. I think that's supposedly what all fantasy stories boil down to. What was it?
Way to go, Sister! Hold the line!
I write what I write because I love it. *shrugs* Not everyone will love it, and not everyone will read it. That's life. We don't all like the same things. I don't see it as any different than having varied tastes in movies, art, or music. Anything creative is subjective. We won't all love the same things. I've never understood why any writer would put down a different genre or writing style simply because he/she doesn't prefer it. This isn't a zero sum game. There's room for all of us.
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