Carol Rose
Evernight Publishing assisted with a week long Bookbub promotion for Irrefutable - Tortured Love 2 - beginning today. This is the first book I've had accepted for a Bookbub promo. They are ultra picky.
The email went out to their subscribers this morning at approximately 9:30 AM Eastern Time, and here are the latest stats. I've never had an Amazon author ranking under 100 in the six plus years I've been published, and I've never had sales so high for a single title. The exposure alone is worth the price of the promotion. Plus, the other books in this series are selling very well today, too!!
The email went out to their subscribers this morning at approximately 9:30 AM Eastern Time, and here are the latest stats. I've never had an Amazon author ranking under 100 in the six plus years I've been published, and I've never had sales so high for a single title. The exposure alone is worth the price of the promotion. Plus, the other books in this series are selling very well today, too!!