Hesitate to write this, since Napoli is (indulge me!) my own private discovery, and I don’t want it to be spoilt... but just entre nous...
Naples is a perfect place for a weekend escape. Overlooked by tourists, who use it as a gateway to other destinations, their aim is to get in and get out as quickly as possible, before the Camorra assassinate them or pickpockets denude them. (There is some truth to the latter... on the train to Herculaneum, watched an elderly and ostensibly respectable gentleman try to relieve another of his wristwatch).
But any big city has its dark side, and Naples is no worse than London, my home town.
The benefits are legion, especially to writers. The art is extraordinary. The history is deep and vivid. Living under a volcano gives an urgency and passion I have experienced nowhere else. The food is superb, cheap, and everywhere (best pizzas in the world, they invented them). Getting there is budget-airline cheap, out of season hotels charge modest prices.
Go with your wits about you, certainly – but go!
A street in Herculaneum, just a short train ride away
Naples is a perfect place for a weekend escape. Overlooked by tourists, who use it as a gateway to other destinations, their aim is to get in and get out as quickly as possible, before the Camorra assassinate them or pickpockets denude them. (There is some truth to the latter... on the train to Herculaneum, watched an elderly and ostensibly respectable gentleman try to relieve another of his wristwatch).
But any big city has its dark side, and Naples is no worse than London, my home town.
The benefits are legion, especially to writers. The art is extraordinary. The history is deep and vivid. Living under a volcano gives an urgency and passion I have experienced nowhere else. The food is superb, cheap, and everywhere (best pizzas in the world, they invented them). Getting there is budget-airline cheap, out of season hotels charge modest prices.
Go with your wits about you, certainly – but go!

A street in Herculaneum, just a short train ride away