I'm back

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Sep 22, 2014
I put off signing up because I felt abandoned when the old site closed down and I don't give my trust easily. But I see a few old friends are here so I guess I'll poke my head in now and then. I'm still looking for representation, but I think my writing has improved with each new try, so it's all good. This is the year, I can feel it in my bones.
Hello to all the old pals and any new friends out there. Hope this is still a good place to put up your feet.
Welcome. What are you writing about these days?
I'm writing YA fantasy stuff mostly. I'm polishing and shopping around a YA version of one I posted part of on the old Litopia actually. Some of the oldies might know it by the title Bound. I call it The Gift of Lies now.
Keep poking. Hopefully more friends will find us. If they don't, I have their emails ... lol.

Nice to see you.

Hello, booknut! I remember you well! I'm Agring from the old forum, if that rings a bell. In fact, you critiqued my first chapter (from "The Waters of Nyra," about dragons). Your comments were immensely helpful... I still have them saved on my harddrive!
Hello, booknut! I remember you well! I'm Agring from the old forum, if that rings a bell. In fact, you critiqued my first chapter (from "The Waters of Nyra," about dragons). Your comments were immensely helpful... I still have them saved on my harddrive!
Good to see you Kelly! I remember the little dragons. How is that story coming along?
Hello, Booknut. Thanks for remembering. The book is published! Well, self-published. How is your writing coming along?
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