Fanfare! ...I guess...

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Robinne Weiss

Full Member
May 19, 2015
New Zealand
Someone I went to school with for a few months 30 years ago just found me online, which led me to google myself...just wondering what this person might know about me...

And I found that a story I'd submitted ages ago to Fickle Muses had been published in March...

I never got any indication from them that my story had been accepted.

Anyone else ever have that happen? I actually posted the story on my blog a while back, figuring they'd passed on it without bothering to contact me.

Incidentally, it was a flash piece I did here a while back. It might be familiar to some of you. Here's the link if you're interested.
Congrats! Haven't had that happen personally, tho' a couple of mags have simply notified me [your piece has been published...] rather than asking me [we would like to publish your piece if it is still available...], which I find a little annoying. Bad manners, but your experience is worse.
Wow, thats great news... do you think some of these blogs trawl the 'net looking for pieces they can publish, without ever contacting the author?
Yes they do. I have had photos and entire posts lifted. So far always with attribution and often a link back to my site, but no one has ever asked beforehand.
Lovely tale. Congratulations.
I think there's a germ for a longer story there. Hope your girl will want to get her wings back and you will take her on her journey.
Loved 'How the Albatross got its Wings'.
I've had zilch published as yet so no similar experience.
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