Hurricane day(s)

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izi 出久

Feb 21, 2022
Reminded today of when Hurricane Jeanne plowed across Florida in 2004. It is the only hurricane eye I've seen--crossed in the afternoon. Although it may have only been a tropical storm at that point. That hurricane tore one of our oak trees out up. It is also the hurricane in which my 4 other idiot siblings and I (oldest sister was waaay too smart for such adventures) noted the trampoline lifting off the ground, the wind nearly tearing it free from the stakes my dad had secured it with before the storm hit.

So we did what any pre-teens/early teens would do. We ran outside, grabbed onto the sides of the trampoline, and whooped with joy as the wind lifted us along with the trampoline into the air.

Just a reminder to watch your kids, y'all. They might look smart, but given the opportunity they can be dumb af.
Reminded today of when Hurricane Jeanne plowed across Florida in 2004. It is the only hurricane eye I've seen--crossed in the afternoon. Although it may have only been a tropical storm at that point. That hurricane tore one of our oak trees out up. It is also the hurricane in which my 4 other idiot siblings and I (oldest sister was waaay too smart for such adventures) noted the trampoline lifting off the ground, the wind nearly tearing it free from the stakes my dad had secured it with before the storm hit.

So we did what any pre-teens/early teens would do. We ran outside, grabbed onto the sides of the trampoline, and whooped with joy as the wind lifted us along with the trampoline into the air.

Just a reminder to watch your kids, y'all. They might look smart, but given the opportunity they can be dumb af.
My son lives in the Cayman Islands. Luckily the storm missed them by 100k but blasted Cuba. Hang onto your hats Florida and keep safe.
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