Huddles Are Reverting…

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Not bad news, Litopians. But I do need to tell you that after our so-strange coronavirus summer, when Huddles were open to all and sundry (and I hope helped a few folk get through a really challenging period) we’re going back to the original model.

Full Members are the lifeblood of Litopia, and one way to acknowledge their very real contribution to the Colony’s survival is to give them an exclusive Priority Booking period for each Huddle.

Normally, this means booking for Full Members will open on the Tuesday before the Huddle.

Basic (free) Members are not excluded, though.

Depending on space, booking for Basic Members will open approximately on the Friday before the Huddle, i.e. one day before.

What does this mean?

For less than ten bucks a month, Full Members can attend four Huddles per month!

You can pay a small fortune – maybe a large one – to attend a crowded seminar, masterclass or other similar event organised by a for-profit company. Typically hundreds of dollars, often more. Chances are you won’t get any individual attention at all. And you certainly won’t benefit from the unique collegiate ethos that makes Litopia so special.

We don’t charge a bean to attend a Huddle.

However. We do ask that if at all possible, you upgrade your membership from Basic to Full. This is really the only way that Litopia can keep going.

Hope this makes sense!
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