How Do I Join A Huddle?

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The Colony’s weekly Writers' Huddles (now expanding to include a monthly early-morning Wednesday Huddle for those in Aus/NZ time zones) have quickly become an essential part of the Colony. Week in, week out, you can join in a Huddle to hone your craft, brainstorm writing projects, get expert advice and generally have an uproarious time. There's nothing else comparable on the 'net.

Huddles are relaxed, informal and confidential. Sometimes, a Huddle will have a set theme. At other times it’s open house – bring your work-in-progress, your cover letters, your synopses, your first pages… or simply your questions, concerns or worries. We’ll deal with them all.

They are relaxed, informal and above-all confidential. Any Full Member of Litopia can take part.

Joining details here.
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