Genres as fashion statements.

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Oct 25, 2015
I think it was @Chase Gamwell and @Nicole Wilson who informed me about steam punk as a genre, one of the many benefits of Litopia. Just wondering, if you wanted to dress up as a character from literature, as children do in school every year for national book day (I think?) who would you choose.

I am going with Bram Stokers Dracula, indigo paisley waistcoat, extra tight coughlinks biting into my flesh -- that would get me noticed at the bar.

@Robinne Weiss were you fortunate enough to attend this event?

How an ordinary New Zealand town became steampunk capital of the world
I think Boba Fett has a jet pack? that would be useful in ordering a drink at a busy bar, you could hover above everyone in a menacing manor.

Or just stand in the corner like...

@KG Christopher --I didn't go down for the event, but I've been to the Steampunk museum in Oamaru--it is supremely weird. Oamaru is one of my favourite towns, and less than two hours drive away. I have a friend who lives there, and he dresses in costume every day, just because you can get away with that in Oamaru. Of course, the best part of Oamaru is the penguins--there's a colony nearby, and one regularly nests under a cafe in town. They've set up a camera so you can sit in the cafe and watch live feed of the nest. How cool is that!

I don't know who I'd dress up as, but it would be some character for whom I'd have to sew an elaborate costume. I love making costumes, and I would choose based on how interesting the sewing would be, not on the character. I might choose Lady Trent from Marie Brennan's lovely Natural History of Dragons books, or the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland (or any royalty, for that matter--they always have the most elaborate clothing). I used to do a lot of living history, and I have a fondness for historical clothing, too, so any character from any novel set before, say 1900, would be great. Animals are good, too. I love making animal costumes--maybe Charlotte from Charlotte's Web.
I have cosplayed a few times (and LOVE it). I'm currently putting together my next one: Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy. It's also a comic book, so I'm counting that as my literature cosplay :p
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