- May 19, 2015
Greetings from an American ex-pat in New Zealand! Following my husband here ten years ago, I thought getting a job would be easy--it is Clean, Green New Zealand after all, and I was an environmental educator/heritage interpreter. Not finding any jobs on arrival, I started my own business and spent some brilliant years doing school outreach as The Bug Lady, and paying the bills with interpretation consulting (mostly writing tight, dry, committee-approved text for interpretive panels). After ten years I was bored, and about to start screaming at clients who refused to consider any ideas that fell outside the box. So, here I am, a full-blown midlife crisis and three novels under my belt at the tender age of 45! Still trying to get an agent for those novels and convince myself that scrapping my 25 year career in interpretation was the right thing to do...Aw, shit! What have I done?!