Paul Whybrow
Full Member
We've previously discussed which fonts are acceptable when formatting your manuscript for querying, but I came across this amusing article about how furious some folk become over fonts. Comic Sans usually creates the most ire, but Saturday Night Live lampoons Papyrus:
In Defense of Papyrus: Your Guide for When to Use Despised Fonts
If you're unsure of how to format your manuscript, there's some basic advice here.
Most literary agents and publishers with open submissions windows specify Times New Roman or Arial, though one start-up agency I queried insisted on Garamond—stating that they'd reject work submitted in any other font!
I find it hard to get worked up about fonts. My priority is that any written form of language needs to communicate clearly, so legible fonts cooperate in the process of getting the message across.
As with anything creative, there are some people who make a living from devising new typefaces.
How to Make Money Marketing Your Font | JUST™ Creative
Are there any fonts that drive you mad?
In Defense of Papyrus: Your Guide for When to Use Despised Fonts
If you're unsure of how to format your manuscript, there's some basic advice here.
Most literary agents and publishers with open submissions windows specify Times New Roman or Arial, though one start-up agency I queried insisted on Garamond—stating that they'd reject work submitted in any other font!
I find it hard to get worked up about fonts. My priority is that any written form of language needs to communicate clearly, so legible fonts cooperate in the process of getting the message across.
As with anything creative, there are some people who make a living from devising new typefaces.
How to Make Money Marketing Your Font | JUST™ Creative
Are there any fonts that drive you mad?