From a grateful Litopian

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J. Rook

This is not really opening a new thread. I'd just like an opportunity to point out one of the best things about Litopia, which is the quality and range of comments and insights which arrive when you post a piece for critique in the houses. I posted the first chapter of my WiP, received two comments which pointed me in a much more effective direction and closed the thread because I felt it had served its purpose. Then another person commented via email.
The result is a radical re-working of the beginning of the chapter and improvements elsewhere.
As writers we are often too close to our creation and we need other people to draw us into the reader's perspective, and that is what has happened in this instance. Litopian comments are more balanced and experienced than others I sometimes receive.
Thank you to Marc Joan, Robinne Weiss and Bluma Bezbroda.
Now I'm waiting to reciprocate.
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