For the scientists among the Litopians

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That's really fascinating @Kirsten .
MRI studies have suggested that autism is caused by a mental tree with too many branches around the control hum, whereas adhd and schizophrenia have too few branches around the control hub
I wonder what the mental tree would look like when someone would have autism and ADHD?
So...if you're writing a book that has to do with genetics, I'd very much suggest the book "Genome: An Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters" by Matt Ridley. It's old now - over ten years - but it gives a really good basis about each chromosome, what they're for, and other genetic interests.

The simplest truth is that almost anything is possible with regard to the human genome. Gene therapy is becoming a thing, and eventually that'll allow us to edit people on a cellular level. We're in for a crazy future, that's for sure!
I've been doing some research into psychopathic behaviour and came across an article the other day. The short of it was that just because we have a certain gene, it doesn't necessarily mean it's being read. Environment (upbringing, social environment etc) plays a role whether or not someone turns psycopathic or artistic or ... How accurate this article is, I don't know, but it might be worth exploring. It could give you a nice little conflict in the novel: someone turns on a particular gene in someone else, but because the person who is 'being switched on' is living among telepathic animals, this gene can't flourish. It might give Flo a jolly nice inner conflict: the gene has been turned on, but her environment tries to silence it, or vice evrsa, or ....

No idea, just a thought, and fodder for some research (read: headache)

I can't find the aricle anymore, but you might find someone among this lot who is willing to do a Q & A with you:

I've been doing some research into psychopathic behaviour and came across an article the other day. The short of it was that just because we have a certain gene, it doesn't necessarily mean it's being read. Environment (upbringing, social environment etc) plays a role whether or not someone turns psycopathic or artistic or ... How accurate this article is, I don't know, but it might be worth exploring. It could give you a nice little conflict in the novel: someone turns on a particular gene in someone else, but because the person who is 'being switched on' is living among telepathic animals, this gene can't flourish. It might give Flo a jolly nice inner conflict: the gene has been turned on, but her environment tries to silence it, or vice evrsa, or ....

No idea, just a thought, and fodder for some research (read: headache)

I can't find the aricle anymore, but you might find someone among this lot who is willing to do a Q & A with you:

Thanks honey. I'm actually working on a 'sequel'. In a way I'm hoping that it will be a stand alone book. I've taken on board what my husband said about suspecting agents where a bit hesitant on the story where the 'norm' is interspecies telepathy and most people are vegan/vegetarian. He thought that was too big a stretch for them, and that a lone telepath might be more exciting. So I'm fiddling around with ideas. So far Isla (Flo's granddaughter) is now, as far as she knows, the last telepath, and the HSL has won and been "curing" telepaths mercilessly. Her quest is to find something that will address the balance and save telepathic ability. If not, the lack of compassion (due to inability to communicate) in the new world, will bring back the excesses (abuse of nature) of the past that nearly destroyed the planet in the mid/late 21st century. So I started looking at gene drives (to breed out of existence malaria, for example) and wondered whether a gene drive would be possible to breed back Telepathy into humans. (After all it was a mutant gene that caused it all in the first place.) Not sure if that makes any sense to you because you read the first book (albeit not quite the final draft).
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