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Welcome indeed! Would you be of the Mackerel or Spotted tabby variety?

Neither. It's a variation on my last name and there were three of us in the domicile at the time. Thus, Tabby1...2...3, etc...
céad míle fáilte :) a hundred thousand welcomes right back. Tha mi toilichte do choinneachadh - Pleased to meet you. I am just learning, but one of the kids I taught since leadrein, that I still keep in contact with won 2nd place in Britain for Scots Gaidhlig, so she is my living dictionary/phrasebook :)
Some phrases;
Taigh nam gasta ort - F*** off
S e Luid a th'annad - Slut (you are or she is... I forget.)
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean - You're a C***
Pog mon thoin - Kiss my arse
a phit, pit, phitean - a/the c***
Rach thu agus a' sgaoil am leathar de bhur puithar - Go and F*** your sister

You can find a much bigger list here (!topic/soc.culture.scottish/HElJFxCcRX8 ). I always check what I want to use with my wee buddy the living dictionary, though once I have learned myself I won't need to so much ;)
I've used loads of scots and gaidhlig in my first novel... With glossary of course. It's great fun to use :)
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