Brandon Sanderson

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I listened to his first 2020 lecture the other day while making dinner. Other than obviously liking to hear himself talk, it was good--he said a lot that made me feel like I was doing stuff mostly right in terms of trying to make this writing gig work ... eventually ... I'm looking forward to his subsequent lectures (and hoping they have more substance to them...introductory lectures, no matter how good the speaker, are so much fluff and housekeeping).
I watched everything I could a few years ago, and it's amazing what I pick up the second time around. I could listen to him talk for hours.
I liked this lecture--some very good points. His comment about when your readers are bored, even though stuff is happening--that it's because they don't see progress happening (and it may be because they don't understand where you're going, not because progress isn't happening)--is a good one.
Thanks, I've subscribed so I can watch (again, very similar to a few years ago) as soon as it's uploaded :) In his signing of The Way of Kings videos (very long, I'm still going, I just come back to them when I have time) his macaw, Jello. makes an appearance. Gorgeous!
Just saw this in the comments under the lecture:
"Just Btw for everyone watching this, Because of Covid-19 BYU has decided to cease in person classes and has actually encouraged the students still on campus to go home by the end of the week. It sounds like there might be Online Classes starting in a week, but I don't know how that is all going to affect the youtube recordings. Some news from anyone in the know would be greatly appreciated."
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This is old content and part of an earlier full lecture, but it seems a lot of people need help when it comes to plot archetypes (not admitting to anything, though).
the next lecture/s up:

I think they're repeats of earlier lectures, but hey, it's free!
Time to catch up (this one is great for all those questions about how long the intro should be):
There is also the 'live' questions on character vid:
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