Today (6th Jan) here in Ireland it is Nollaig na mBan (Null-ag nah-man) meaning Women's Christmas, also known as Little Christmas. Traditionally women would down tools after working hard all over Christmas and have a day where the men do the work instead. Today it is still celebrated (for the same reasons usually
) although not as widespread. I usually have a dinner for all my women, a whole group of us come together and it is lovely!
(I was out until all hours last night though, as my brother had a significant birthday, so my Nollaig na mBan revelries will be a much subdued affair)
A most worthwhile acknowledgement on your festivities calendar for the women in your life (including yourself if you are one (or identify as one or whatevs

(I was out until all hours last night though, as my brother had a significant birthday, so my Nollaig na mBan revelries will be a much subdued affair)
A most worthwhile acknowledgement on your festivities calendar for the women in your life (including yourself if you are one (or identify as one or whatevs