E G Logan
Full Member

National Gallery, Washington, DC, introduces Artle, daily art challenge
Using images from its huge collection, the NG has created an internet guessing game to rival Wordle. (I can't explain that – I've never played it.) Difference is, this is claimed to have some educational purpose.
Every day a different artist is featured; photographers are also included. Players have four tries, against a clock, at identifying an artist from his/her works.
The tricky thing is that the first artwork is either obscure or fairly unrepresentative of the work of that artist. But, progressively, the pictures/photographs move towards the better-known.
I have to admit that today's challenge defeated me utterly – I know nothing at all about U.S. photographers working in black and white – and when the eventual name appeared I didn't recognise it. I will certainly be giving it a go tomorrow, though.
Using images from its huge collection, the NG has created an internet guessing game to rival Wordle. (I can't explain that – I've never played it.) Difference is, this is claimed to have some educational purpose.
Every day a different artist is featured; photographers are also included. Players have four tries, against a clock, at identifying an artist from his/her works.
The tricky thing is that the first artwork is either obscure or fairly unrepresentative of the work of that artist. But, progressively, the pictures/photographs move towards the better-known.
I have to admit that today's challenge defeated me utterly – I know nothing at all about U.S. photographers working in black and white – and when the eventual name appeared I didn't recognise it. I will certainly be giving it a go tomorrow, though.

Artle – the daily art exploration game.
Discover artwork and guess the artist in 4 tries. A new artist puzzle is available daily.