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Any Twitter users? Shall we follow each other?

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Hi, I have just been into my Twitter profile and followed back a few new followers.

Has anyone experimented with other forms of communication/social media. A friend of mine has an 11 year old son who uses Tik Tok. Problem is I have used social media for nigh on 20 years and My Space, Pinterest and all the others just seem to burn bright then die in the daylight, get bought out or stop being popular.
Here's my twitter handle. I do tweet regularly but only because my social media guru, aka my daughter in law, is forever on my case to do so along with posting on Facebook and Insta... @VickiMasters9
How did I miss this thread?! I'm on Twitter a lot (probably more than I should be). You can find me at @NikkyMLee :)
I haven't been on Twitter the last few days, as I see that comments get left on tweets, though haven't been able to work out how to view them.
You might look into using tweetdeck.twitter.com when using twitter on your PC. You can create columns for anything you'd like to. It brings some order to the chaos. There is a great #WritingCommunity on twitter. Lots of associated hashtags like #mswl #amquerying, etc.

Many agents and publishers are on twitter, so be sure to follow them too. Pitch parties can be fun. Contests happen now and again.

Welcome. I'm @prairiewind46
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