An Update from AgentPete

Is your dialog as good as this?

Amazon Ads? Anyone finding them successful?

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I just wanted to give everyone an update on some of the momentous changes now afoot.

Three weeks ago, I asked Litopians for their thoughts about ways they’d like to see the Colony change and grow to better serve members’ needs. The response was overwhelming in terms of wonderful and thoughtful suggestions. Collating them has been a task in itself, but I’m just about there. Everything that can practicably be implemented will be.

We now have a test site set up that’s slowly being rigged out: it will be available for your reactions before we go live on the main site. More when it’s ready. (And yes, it will include a much-requested feature… dark mode).

Pop-Ups will be incrementally improved over the next few months. You will have seen that last week’s show featured four submissions, not five – this is to make room for some exciting new content, and to give each submission a little more in the way of personal attention and advice.

One new feature will be the opportunity for you to contribute micro-reviews of books you adore. We’re calling it – GUSH! Because… well that’s what you naturally do when you find a book that makes your spirit soar… you want to gush about it!

So please help us test the tech by submitting your own GUSH review right now. Do it here:


And let me know how it works for you.

More anon.
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Is your dialog as good as this?

Amazon Ads? Anyone finding them successful?
