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An Invitation to Appear on Pop-Up Submissions

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
As you know, I like to have two guests with me on Pop-Up Submissions – one published writer or other person from the publishing business, and a Colony member too.

People have sometimes wondered why I’m keen to have (often) unpublished writers on the show. It’s really an attempt to break down the psychological barrier that exists between published/unpublished writers. To the unpublished writer, the publishing edifice often seems daunting and unapproachable. However, from the other side of the desk, what publishers spend a large amount of effort doing (particularly when acquiring) is to guess (or second-guess!) what the reading public will feel like buying in 12 – 18 months time. The gap between the two poles isn’t nearly as large as many might think.

So to kick the year off, I’d like to invite Litopians to consider putting their names down (below) to join me on the show. You will enjoy it more than you think :) And looking at submissions from my side of the desk will be quite eye-opening!

Technically, if you can make Skype calls OK, then you’re probably fine. Please try to use a wired connection, not wifi as the speed can be hugely unpredictable.
I'm tempted, but a combination of young children and an unpredictable internet connection mean I'm more likely to make my contribution via the chat room.... Hoping some other Litopians have a go!
I'm tempted, but a combination of young children and an unpredictable internet connection mean I'm more likely to make my contribution via the chat room.... Hoping some other Litopians have a go!
I too am tempted, but have similar problems with broadband in darkest Cornwall. No kids in my house, but we do have an excitable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who would love to get involved. I could persuade his mother to take him on an extra-long walk. I've never used Skype, but I'll do some tests and see how it goes.
I am tempted but two things hold me back. I normally have high-speed internet but the rainy season starts soon when we are plagued by power cuts that always happen at the worst moment. The other is, I don't feel capable of giving incisive/fair comment as fast as it is required. Might be tempted later in the year.
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