Amazon opened its first physical book store

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Mixed feelings. I like the idea of there being a book store, and I like there being customer reviews (kinda like how Waterstones do with staff reviews). But, I don't like the whole star rating thing, for reasons we've spoke about before on these forums, and also I guess because it shouldn't mean anything. For me, the stars don't actually say anything about the book, or whether or not I'll like it. It just seems like another little box to narrow down the search for a book, because naturally people will go for what is supposed to be the best, when really the stars could have been given because of the author, and not the quality of the book. Bah, I'm just ranting. I guess it really doesn't matter! I just dislike the whole rating deal, especially if stars can be based on delivery. :confused: Or is it just going to be Goodreads ratings? From the image it looks like Amazon. Ah I dunno! :eek:
BLECH. Shelving them according to ratings?? What are we in high school?? It's not a popularity contest, and that's all those stars really are. We all know they don't tell the whole story. Gag me. The industry is going down the toilet. Someone tell me again WHY I'm doing this….
Because you're good at it and probably couldn't stop if you tried!

Sod the stars. If it follows in Twitters footsteps it'll be hearts soon anyway! :p
There will be some curator-chosen material, as well... I'm actually cautiously optimistic. This seems to be a novel fusion of the traditional and the futuristic. I hope those are electronic displays and not wooden placards, or they'll be changing their placards pretty often, every time someone posts a new review on Amazon and the numbers change.

Imagine this... twenty years in the future, with the books rearranging themselves on the shelves from armatures behind the shelves as ranking change, and a tiny hologram of a woman standing on the shelf giving little blurbs in a calm, firm voice as people pass nearby scanning ISBNs with their watches. Others sit in leather armchairs, sipping sixteen-dollar Starbucks and reading.

"We're not killing Barnes & Noble! We're replacing them. There's a difference..."
One thing I'm thinking about Amazon doing this it they're such a recognizable name that it might get more people in the shop, even people that wouldn't usually bother with book shops. I thought the same about the placards, haha! Especially since it says things like "38 people found this useful". I love the futuristic book shop you've imagined there!
I can't see them ever spreading enough to threaten existing stores, which being the case, I guess it's good to have another outlet. I do agree, though, the idea of books being in there because they have '4.8 stars or more' or some such arbitrary thing is a bit soul-destroying. It's interesting that they've decided to put pretty well all the books face forward: it slashes the inventory, but makes it more of a shop window.
I can't see them ever spreading enough to threaten existing stores, which being the case, I guess it's good to have another outlet. I do agree, though, the idea of books being in there because they have '4.8 stars or more' or some such arbitrary thing is a bit soul-destroying. It's interesting that they've decided to put pretty well all the books face forward: it slashes the inventory, but makes it more of a shop window.
True... but just to play Keanu Reeves, would this not be one store where anyone on this forum — say, Karen or David, self-pubbed and a one-person force with all marketing on their shoulders but with a high Amazon rating — could stand a fighting chance against the likes of Isaac Asimov or R.L. Stein to get onto bookshelves?
True... but just to play Keanu Reeves, would this not be one store where anyone on this forum — say, Karen or David, self-pubbed and a one-person force with all marketing on their shoulders but with a high Amazon rating — could stand a fighting chance against the likes of Isaac Asimov or R.L. Stein to get onto bookshelves?
Hmm, does that bring about another concern? Not regarding Karen and David, but (kind of like Carol said above) couldn't people with large twitter followings get on a campaign with their platform to get a bunch of high ratings just to land them in the shop? That can't be a good thing, can it? Amazon must be putting something in place to prevent that. If, that is, in any way how they're stocking. They might just buy in like any ol' book store and then use the book ratings on the books they've chosen to stock.

Also, @Jason Byrne it's funny you should say Keanu Reeves. I just had a glitch in the braintrix (deja vu). I wonder if this is another sign! I'll be on the look out for twins!
Hmm, does that bring about another concern? Not regarding Karen and David, but (kind of like Carol said above) couldn't people with large twitter followings get on a campaign with their platform to get a bunch of high ratings just to land them in the shop? That can't be a good thing, can it? Amazon must be putting something in place to prevent that. If, that is, in any way how they're stocking. They might just buy in like any ol' book store and then use the book ratings on the books they've chosen to stock.
Exactly. It could become a physical version of Authonomy.
Another worry is that the measures that Amazon takes could be too draconian and hinder genuine reviews for accidental reasons.
However, a bookstore is better than no bookstore, no?
I wonder if it will spread to the UK.
Exactly. It could become a physical version of Authonomy.
Another worry is that the measures that Amazon takes could be too draconian and hinder genuine reviews for accidental reasons.
However, a bookstore is better than no bookstore, no?
I wonder if it will spread to the UK.

On the outset it looks to me like more shelf space for...well...more books. Thought it a good thing meself.
Hmm, does that bring about another concern? Not regarding Karen and David, but (kind of like Carol said above) couldn't people with large twitter followings get on a campaign with their platform to get a bunch of high ratings just to land them in the shop? That can't be a good thing, can it? Amazon must be putting something in place to prevent that. If, that is, in any way how they're stocking. They might just buy in like any ol' book store and then use the book ratings on the books they've chosen to stock.

Also, @Jason Byrne it's funny you should say Keanu Reeves. I just had a glitch in the braintrix (deja vu). I wonder if this is another sign! I'll be on the look out for twins!

Good point.
Well look at what we have here...Amazon getting physical... physical :D Demand is alive an well with books.

Interesting how the virtual world becomes the local and vice versa. I find it with other work. You do work for someone local, next thing via word of mouth, you're delivering the service in cyber space, and the other way around. It is too long since I went into a real book store to look at the physical shelving,
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