Amazon KDP Select

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Freebies through KDP are a good idea when you have a series. Lure them in with a freebie and they'll pay full price for books 2 and 3. However if this is your first book and you're hoping the freebie will create momentum that continues after it's over, you're probably going to be disappointed. While it's fun to watch the number of downloads go up, the odds are it won't generate very many sales after-the fact. The percentage of downloaded freebies that actually get read is very low. They might generate a few reviews, but not necessarily. That's been my experience and those of most of my self-published friends, anyway. Then again, if your book is just sitting there not selling anything, then you have nothing to lose. In order to maximize your exposure, be sure to advertise it without breaking the bank. Some places will cost you money, but many will do it for free. Here's a link that lists both paid and free advertising options:
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