About Screenplays...

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Absolutely fantastic advice as always Pete! I am really liking the positive approach you give towards the end about getting work noticed. In the writing industry staying positive is de rigueur - it's that or go under.
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Absolutely fantastic advice as always Pete! I am really liking the positive approach you give towards the end about getting work noticed. In the writing industry staying positive is de rigueur - it's that or go under.

Thanks, David.

The whole market for screenwriters is frankly very different to that for prose writers, and it would be interesting to discuss this in a forthcoming Village Hall.
Great piece of advice; right to be direct. Optimism is great until it borders on cloud cuckoo land. So all my stage prompts of 'add visual humour' won't work? Blow. Script to book re-write is next project. Should be fun though.
Just read this and it seemed apropos

''It rarely takes more than a page to recognize that you’re in the presence of someone who can write, but it only takes a sentence to know you’re dealing with someone who can’t.''

Excerpt from

I will not read your fucking script
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